Wednesday, April 22, 2009

金牛座 冥頑不靈的石頭】


固執到死是你的優勢,如果沒有用固執來保護自己,肯定你活不過24小時!自以為高EQ可以解決一切,就凡事不看、不聽、不用心感受,只利用自己膚淺的經驗值去做判斷,結果就是讓愛你的人傷心,傷透了,你還依然故我,一付'是我害的嗎?'的豬頭樣! 你的工作當然順利囉!因為你陰險的一面是不會輕易顯現出來的,尤其不會讓你的上司知道,但是你同事就蠻倒楣的,因為怎麼被你一腳踹下去的都不知道,你更狠的是,被你出賣的人還搞不清楚自己是怎麼死的,你卻已經叫他過來摸摸頭,證明不是自己幹的。
如 果有人想要改變你,或試圖跟你溝通,我想他一定是瘋了!因為他正在做一項不可能的任務,最慘的是,他並不知自己做不到,還一直浪費時間跟你瞎耗,到頭來青 春也沒了,人也被你逼瘋了,金牛還一臉無辜地說:「沒關係,久了他就習慣了!時間能證明我是對的!」廢話,誰不知道你真的是'一路走來、始終如一'啊,那又如何?如果只用在頑固不化這項自以為是的優點上,難道還要頒獎給你嗎?你很膚淺,連跟你聊天都很痛苦,因為聊半天都在無聊的事上打轉,連八卦都談不上。

For all this while , i do not want to post this because i think this is just a horoscope for general people characteristic~i receive the mail from one of my cousin~ ( NO OFFENCE to this post, just for some one to read it)

but after tonight this bloody night, i think this is true!no fake ~
Maybe the person still thinking she/he are right, but
自以為, 不看、不聽、不用心感受,只利用自己膚淺的經驗值去做判斷,結果就是讓愛你的人傷心,傷透了,你還依然故我,一付'是我害的嗎? this is the very good sentence to apply to someone!which they did not realize at all..

sometime, when a person did not say out does not mean they are not angry , maybe they just think, let it be. But not every time can be apply~

what i shall said is weakness in every person attitude, just the matter how u view it from your way to judge it, to evaluate it, to feel it and how you try to change it to be a better thing to let others to agree with you..the world not just yourself. Please open your heart, open your eyes to feel it how others feel.

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