Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bad or Lucky day?

start with this story, actually my assignment due at tomorrow which is Friday, but due to our laziness~then whole class proposed to get extension date for the bloody assignment~~MR Selva are too good too pleased us and guess what we get the extension to next a good thing that i can do it in a better time management and maybe will be better quality.. Perhaps? Lucky huh?!

And i got a midterm exam next wednesday thus i do not have more time like others to LEPAk ~ i plan to finish up by this Saturday..But i m just too sleepy to do at midnight, i just cannot concentrate at night after have my study at evening time~

PImples pop out of my face out of sudden! Damn~~ Hate that happen!

And tell you what!Help university college have a SUCK car park Area~Even inside the carpark areas are FULL ...But those stupid staff do not bother at all and let those students go in and all Jam inside...!@@BAh~~~~~
