Saturday, February 21, 2009

A SatuRday AfternOOn

what can i do if nobody talk to me at home?
ANd it is one of my very free Saturday afternoon?

Firstly: PLay My Piano~Which i quite long time haven't practice for it

PLay my FAvourite piece for warming up~^^
Of course: Canon in D and Claire de Lune

The piano that accompany me for 6 years~Since i learning my piano lesson for 11 years
This is my second piano~
Appreciate it a lot~
The owner~
Xx Which can see my dark cycle from here..even i edited this photo, too bad xX
That is cause by yesterday went for "Dak gei " session which Tiff them~
I m learning a new game called " life or dead" ^^

Secondly: Reading book

This book which my brother recommend me to read. this is such a meaningful book
that describe a little girl and her secret guardian story~
A Simple teenager storybook~( i know it is a bit Childish for my age..but i just got nothing to do at home)

These are some of the quotes and pictures from the book

Thirdly: listen to my music

Princess hours OST
My brother bought it for me..
Thank Ya~
The End of my Afternoon Time

vv ~PEEP~ vv

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